9 States With Legal Recreational Cannabis

9 States With Legal Recreational Cannabis

With more and more states legalizing recreational cannabis, you can educate yourself on state by state laws about cannabis for the 9 states that have legalized. In 2018 we expect more states to legalize and others to add medical marijuana to there ballots. 


How much can you have with you? Up to an ounce (roughly 30 to 40 joints).

How old do you have to be? 21.

Can you smoke publicly? No. Not in parks, on sidewalks, in businesses or on federal land.

Can you grow it? Yes. Those over 21 can possess, grow and give away up to six plants. Only three can be flowering at one time.

Can you buy or sell it? Only through licensed dispensaries.

Resources: http://dhss.alaska.gov/dph/Director/Pages/marijuana/law.aspx


The Golden State will have recreational marijuana starting in January 2018, but the state and individual cities and counties are still working out the details. Local officials are currently working to regulate the licensing for dispensaries before January, but there will be many limitations on the drug.

How old? 21.

How much can you have on you? Up to an ounce.

Can you buy and sell? Yes, through licensed dispensaries.

Can you smoke it publicly? No.

Can you grow it? Yes, up to six plants per residence.


Colorado has always been ahead of the crowd. As the rest of the U.S. was focused on Obama versus Romney in the 2012 election, Centennial Staters were already passing recreational marijuana, and the state has seen the industry boom since then.

How old? 21.

How much can you have? Up to 1 ounce.

Can you buy or sell? Yes, but only licensed retail stores.

Can you grow it? Yes, up to six plants, with three flowering at once. In January 2018, that number goes up to 12 plants.  

Can you smoke it publicly? No. Only on private property, but even some property owners can ban that, and hotels can ban it, too. Although some hotels capitalize on welcoming the drug.

Resources: https://www.colorado.gov/pacific/marijuana/home-grow-laws

Maine (proposed)

How old? 21.

How much can you have? 2.5 ounces.

Can you smoke it publicly? No. 

Can you grow it? Yes, up to six flowering plants, 12 immature plants and unlimited seedlings. 

Can you buy or sell it? Not yet—but the aforementioned bill could make that happen by 2018, if the governor does not veto it. 


Starting in July 2018, Massachusetts will join the club. Until then, the state’s elected officials are still working on the details of regulations and limitations. For now, it’s similar to its counterparts:

How much can you have? Up to an ounce outside the home, up to 10 ounces inside the home.

How old do you have to be? 21.

Can you smoke it publicly? No.

Can you grow it? Yes.

Can you buy or sell it? Yes, from licensed dispensaries.

Some of the details the state is trying to work out include giving local officials power to ban dispensaries in their counties and municipalities, instead of putting it up to a public vote. The state also wants to highly tax it and create a committee to control it.


How old? 21.

How much can you have? Up to 1 ounce.

Can you buy and sell? Yes.

Can you smoke it publicly? No. Only on private property, but some hotels allow it. It’s possible that marijuana resorts will open on Las Vegas Boulevard in the near future, but not certain.

Can you grow it? Sort of. Growing at home is banned within 25 miles of any dispensary.

Resources: https://potguide.com/nevada/marijuana-laws/


How much can you have with you? Eight ounces in your home and 1 ounce on your person.

How old do you have to be? 21.

Can you smoke publicly? No. Not in parks, on sidewalks, in businesses or on federal land.

Can you grow it? Yes. Up to four plants on your property.

Can you buy or sell it? Only licensed dispensaries.

Resources: http://www.oregon.gov/olcc/marijuana/Pages/FAQs-Personal-Use.aspxhttp://whatslegaloregon.com/

Washington, D.C.  

How old do you have to be? 21.

How much can you have? One ounce.

Can you buy and sell it? No. You can grow your own pot here, but you can’t have more than 2 ounces, smoke outside, or buy or sell it.

Can you grow it? Yes, up to six plants in your home, with no more than three mature at a time. 

Can you smoke it publicly? No. 

Resources: https://mpdc.dc.gov/marijuana

Washington state

How old? 21.

How much can you have? Purchase up to 1 ounce. Possess up to 6 ounces.

Can you buy and sell? Yes, at licensed dispensaries.

Can you grow it? No, only medical marijuana users can do that. It’s the only state with this limitation.

Can you smoke it publicly? No.

Resources: https://lcb.wa.gov/mj-education/know-the-law

info source: newsweek.com