New Rules and Regulations From OLCC

New Rules and Regulations From OLCC

Don't be Silly, Trust in Silicone! Reading New Rules and Regulations From OLCC 2 minutes Next Three Cheers: New Products are Here!

When the OLCC announces anything, it can sometimes feel like a foreboding harbinger of stricter regulations and rules. The OLCC's announcement for the new year, 2022, is anything but. A plethora of positive changes are about to, or now in place. The article 'The Oregon Liquor and Cannabis Commission Has Passed a Slew of New Rules Affecting the Weed Industry That Take Hold This Year' by Brianna Wheeler goes into depth about each new rule, and the expected benefits. Many of these rules come to the benefit of not only cannabis consumers, but producers and farmers alike. Here's a list of the new rules:

  • Limits on the quantity of flower that can be bought go ffrom 1oz to 2oz
  • Maximum THC allowed in edibles and concentrates go from 50mg to 100mg
  • Single serving edibles now to include clear dosage scoring
  • CBD, CBN, CBC, and other similar cannabinoids now need to be tested 'safe'
  • Marijuana delivery can now cross city/county lines
  • Reduced time and cost required for Marijuana farms to log their plants
  • Childproof and Exit bags no longer required at dispensaries
  • Some products with THC now able to be sold in grocery stores 

If you're excited for these changes, and need to make changes to your custom cannabis packaging, give us a call! Get your custom order of 100mg gummy bags started today, and while you're at it, get some 2oz flower bags to boot. 

Or if you are swimming in jars for concentrates, and just need new custom printed labels, look no further. We offer competitive pricing for top quality labels and stickers. Contact us for more information!